Friday, August 23, 2013

The Ascension of Consciousness

Current Divinity contains no feminine dimension. The Christian Trinity was defined with a totally masculine imagery. Neither Judaism nor Islam include the feminine archetype in the image of God.

2. With the loss of the female image of the spirit, the concept of soul as an invisible reality and connective missed. As a result of nature and matter were gradually desecrated. The Earth is no longer Goddess and Mother. The snake symbol MOTHER GODDESS old was associated with the devil.

3. The Myth of the Fall and the Doctrine of Original Sin had a huge impact on the Western psyche. The woman, the body and sexuality were effectively demonized and became the target of all kinds of negative projections. The woman was identified with Eve who brought sin, suffering and death into the world.

4. Scientific reductionism philosophy that now dominates our culture (not science itself) is the result of this historical process 4000 years of feminine value loss. The reductionist scientists believe the human mind as superior and subject matter as the man, ready to be used and manipulated as it decides. The Nature and Earth are no longer sacred as they once were. Matter is something dead, inanimate, is a commodity.
We are now entering a new phase of a participatory relationship consciously lived among us and the planet's life - a phase that can be imagined as a marriage at all levels: a marriage between spirit and nature, mind, soul and body, thinking , feeling and sensory experience. This marriage needs to reconnect the male and female aspects of our being, creating a relationship with the feminine - with the soul, with the body, the life of the planet.

Feminine Principle, In Search of Lost Balance



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